Saturday, July 16, 2011

Move Me

It's time to leave.

To go somewhere new.
My feet are waiting
To be told what to do.

My body is ready,
Yet the problem remains
My heart beats not steady
And my brain cannot move.
These thoughts ensnare the issue at hand.
Am I to die without taking a stand?

New horizons stay inches ahead
I always let others go in my stead.
The glue that holds me sticks to me fast,
These tangles and webs all cling to my past.

Why can't I escape this?
Why can't I move on?

I know in my mind that I haven't done wrong.
It is others that blinded my hopes and my dreams,
nothing I did tore my life off the seams.
The cycle continues,
The drama lives on.

One thing I keep: I'll always be strong.


alexxe said...

You are very strong! :) And a good poet!