Tuesday, January 12, 2010

oh canada.

hey world.

i don't know who reads this, and frankly, i don't care. my thoughts that i share, i share to everyone. because i feel that somehow, somewhere, maybe someone else's life and thought processes will be affected from mine.

i had an amazing day. Eight hours on the road is enough to clear my mind, and i see life again. I feel like God has lifted the cloud of heaviness from my heart. Focus Trinity. The bible says "set ur mind on things above, not on things of this world." think about that. dwell on that. why should i have a care of what happens to me in this life? God is the only thing that should matter, and when i am feeling down, i need to turn to him. Life is so simple, and even though we are made to have emotions, and made to feel, the feelings are a gift from God, and we should be praising him even for that. No matter how down the feelings make us "feel", haha, they are so special because they give us the option to have personality.

i want my personality :) i like it. Even though i am a bit quirky, and even though sometimes i am not ladylike, i love myself. I love who God has made me to be. yes, i have my faults. Yes, i do get hard on myself. Yes, i am selfish and conceited, and everything else that i really don't like about myself. But you know what? God made me that way. He loves everything about me. i am beautiful. i can finally say that. For so long in my life i compared myself to everyone around me. I saw only my faults, and only my weakness. God has prepared me for this moment in my life, when i look around and see that nothing matters except God. It really doesn't, when i think about it. Am i going to be playing softball in heaven? no, lol unless we get an intramural game going. Am i going to be making out with guys in heaven? definitely not. haha. God has put his divine plan in my life, and i am ready to follow.

i met something. it has changed my life. technically i didn't meet it today, but the lightbulb flipped. im not sure what this means for me. I don't even know if this is God's plan for my life. I don't think it isn't though, so i'm going to just follow this road. hopefully it works. It will be the first time something ever has worked like this, so let's let the fireworks begin, eh?