i'm sick. i have a bleeding boogery nose. isn't that cute??
i'm giving a bible study tonight.. over 1 corinthians 9: 24-27
i'm really excited about it. i think its gonna be helpful for someone tonight. its like God told me what to say. so yea. read it. especially if ur an athlete. haha
should be fun.
i look pretty cute tonight, though, for being a lame sick girl. hahahaha aight toodles.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
love the bible. lol
Posted by trendywendy21 at 8:14 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 25, 2009
imma be straight up pissed with this here paranormal activity. haha
so tonight i went to go see this movie paranormal activity.
definitely the first that i've seen of its kind... freakin scariest movie ever. so realistic, and the fact that demons are real is pretty intense..
too many dark thoughts in my head.
lets think positively.
you know, i'm really proud of my decision not to drink. i don't judge people who do, and i'm more than willing to discover what the stuff tastes like, but i don't want to be someone who drinks at a party. idk why, i just like being lucid, i guess. haha.
he better text me tomorrow with a good explanation for why he cannot text or call back tomorrow. or imma be straight up pissed.
Posted by trendywendy21 at 2:08 AM 1 comments
Friday, October 23, 2009
he is just not that into you

Posted by trendywendy21 at 1:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
watermelonny cards.
nothing to write at the moment. sometimes, you know when you have too many thoughts in your head, you just can't get them out? yea. i'm getting one of those this week. i'm in a good mood, but the words just aren't coming out.
i love life. and i love redding, california. joy sent me a nice card today. thanks, joy. :)
so did alyssa greenblatt. a nice watermelonny card. haha.
Posted by trendywendy21 at 10:10 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
go away demon of doubt!
The two girls, cassie bernall and rachel scott, were so brave. how is it possible for anybody to be that brave? that with a gun pointed at their heads, they chose the right path. how much more does that make me want to choose the right path, to have that bravery and courage. they each wrote books, or actually books were written posthumously about them, and they are such touching books. They really reach down into the soul. man. they are good.

man. i'm a downer today.
i had some other downer things today happen too. they kinda sucked. they're not something i wanna announce to the world, but suffice it to say i just keep getting doubts. maybe i got a demon somewhere around my head plaguing me. that would really suck. hhahaha.
Posted by trendywendy21 at 1:04 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
quiet my soul
Posted by trendywendy21 at 11:18 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
according to my calculations..
huh. the day i get back to my favorite city in the world, it becomes a POURING rainstorm. yes! i just love drowning in a sea of raindrops! ah, well. its not my fault im still in a good mood and had the best weekend of the year due to some well placed family and friends. oh, btw dad. good sermon yesterday. interesting too. anyway, yea.
let's write.
what should we write about? idk.
haha lauren.
talk nerdy to me.
Posted by trendywendy21 at 1:50 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 12, 2009
hoo-ha hears a horton.
Do you currently have feelings for anybody?
i love my rafael.
What does your last text message say?
aw, thank you girl. :D
Can you have more than one best friend?
What are you thinking right now?
i'm blinded by love.
When was the last time you changed in front of someone?
haha everyone knows i do that a lot.
If you could change your eye color would you?
haha.. idk. i kinda like who i am.
you wearing anything that belongs to someone else?
i am :) his sweater.
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
no, actually. haha i think he is thinking about world of warcraft. ;)
What is your hair like at the moment?
In a poney
Are you one of those people who are always cold?
i totally am ALWAYS cold.
anyone said they love you in the last week?
definitely. lots of people actually.
When was the last time you talked to your number 1 on top friends?
i don't have a guy.. i don't think on there...
Who was the last male you talked to?
haha g-g-g-gian..
Why did you last laugh?
haha when i'm with my family we laugh all the time, oh and when i was with sharai at walmart. holy crap.
What were you doing at 10am this morning?
gettin ready for church. <3
What are you looking forward to in the next 3 months?
definitely coming back home. haha
Do you remember your dreams?i remembered last nights!! dean was in it!
last movie you watched?
Do you have your future childrens names picked out?
haha depends on who i marry
Were you happy when you woke up today?
i was overjoyed. beyond overjoyed..
Posted by trendywendy21 at 12:31 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 8, 2009
in case the title doesn't not spell it out for you, i'm going home tomorrow. YES! hahaha i'm so excited. i'm so happy that i can finally see the people that i love and are my true family. Not only am i seeing my family at home, i am seeing my church family, and they have almost been as much as a family to me as the ones i live with all the time. they have always been there for me when my family went through hard times, and i know that if i needed something this very minute, not one of them would hesitate to drive up here and get me the help that i needed. That is true family. I have so many people back home as my safety net, and i do not know what i would do without them. Just a shout out: :) i got my mom, my dad, my brothers, my boyfriend, my best friends sharai and briana, i got my church big sisters joy and misha, i have my aunties, you-k, tensie, karyn smith, ashlee bouzianne, and so many others that i have failed to mention.
im so excited to see everybody :)
song of the week right here! that's whats up.
Posted by trendywendy21 at 11:38 AM 2 comments
Monday, October 5, 2009
i have nothing to argue with today except lazy people.
If i were peter griffin, my gears would be seriously grinded. because i am not peter griffin, i would like to politely discuss and emasculate lazy people. LAZY LITTLE PEOPLE. they think that they are all that, and then when it comes down to it, they are just lazy. i hate them. i work so hard to be mediocre, and they do nothing to think that they are great.
i just almost ate my headphone.
Posted by trendywendy21 at 8:27 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Love is the Reason For Living.
Posted by trendywendy21 at 6:19 PM 2 comments