Have you guys ever seen the movie "he's just not that into you"? that movie changed my life. there were many characters and some of them were not people i'd befriend.. haha but the one underlying tone is what caught my attention.
life changing. did you hear me? listen close. this is my life's epiphany.
"you are not the exception to the classic love story, you are the rule. if a guy doesn't want to get a hold of you, he will make up every excuse in the book to get out of it. if a guy DOES want to get a hold of you, no excuse or situation will be able to stop him from calling you."
think about that. let it soak.
stop telling yourself that he hasn't called you because he's been busy, or on vacation, or going to school and is working on stuff. So are you, and you've had time to think about him. All guys think about is their friends, sports, tv, sex, and sleep. if they are christians, they add God into the mix. it's true. you need to think about this and TRY to dispute me wrong.

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