Sunday, October 4, 2009

Love is the Reason For Living.

you know what i hate? i hate junior highers and freshman and sophomores in highschool who act wayyy older than they are. that really bothers me. They have so much more life to live, and they act like they are so old and mature. Why don't they act their age?? When i was younger, i was so happy to just go miniature golfing with my dad and mom, and i had an amazing time with them. Nowadays, its almost as if kids go from being twelve to eighteen. Family becomes second string, that boyfriend is sure to last forever, and teenage drinking is the norm. Kids who are like 14 make me feel so inferior because they try so hard to have material wants and they really are just little babies. Another thing that bothers me is that they have these guy problems that really are not problems. They ask things on Yahoo Answers like, "omg i lik dis guy but i em nawt sure if he is da 1" like honestly. do they really think people are their forevers at this age? Forever is a LONG time. I'd rather live my live the way i want to without having to cling to the back of a forever while i'm in highschool, thank you very much. I'm 19 and i am just now realizing what forever could in all actuality be. I could have a future with my boyfriend. How scary is that? i'm not going to go so far as to call him my forever, but i sure as heck love the poor boy. I can also safely say that i finally know what love is. Love is not the fact that someone is there to kiss ur neck and show you some attn by texting you things like :"ilybby" like honestly... love is being there through thick and thin and working through relationship issues. love is knowing that no matter what happens, you always have one person you can go to who doesn't judge who you are and what you do. Love is the reason for living.


Sharai said...

i've told so many of them that...and i hate to admit that i acted that way too in highschool =/

why do you think they WANT to grow up so fast and experience the same things as adults? maybe if we could figure that out and fix it, kids would be acting more like kids and not like wannabe adults

Anonymous said...

they all want sex. that's why.