Sunday, February 28, 2010

Double Standards: the same amount of ugly for both people.

Something that's been on my mind for a very long time is the topic of double standards. I have a few questions in my mind about them. The first is who decides what the standard is? The second is why does EVERYBODY do it? in my mind, you see, i have my own set of standards. Not just for my life, but for others. What really gets to me, however, is when i use a DIFFERENT set of standards for others that i do for myself. For example, if i hold myself to a standard that allows for me to curse and use bad language, why do i cringe when others around me do the same thing? not that i'm saying i like to curse all the time, but honestly. Everyone does that in their lives, and it can be such a huge problem. This is a different topic, too, from judging. Judging equalizes, in my opinion because the standard remains the same. You may think you are better than other people, however you view all the people you judge as just "people you judge." However, with a double standard, everyone's opinion of other's switches according to what they think of those people. If my best friend is very materialistic (not saying he or she is), who am i to tell her that there is nothing wrong with the way she acts, and then going to someone who i see as less of a good friend and viewing them in my mind as someone who is extremely materialistic, therefore thinking less of her. It is a vicious cycle, one that MUST be broken in order for people to better understand each other. No wonder cliques are made so easily when we judge according to who our friends are. Sometimes its not even that. Sometimes it's people who we WANT to be our friends. They are the alpha dogs of society, and why should we think they do wrong? Who are we to judge them, right? In essence, yes. We shouldnt be judging in general. But if you are going to tell your acquaintance their purse is ugly, make sure you tell ur best friend. Because the purse is probably the same amount of ugly for both people.