Wednesday, February 24, 2010

legends of a ninja. or, my brain at 1 am.

Trinity Cuff February 24 at 1:04am
once upon a timethere was a ninja. this ninjas name was KEEYA. now keeya had a serious problem. everytime he would attempt a karate chop, his pants would fall down. for some reason, that kept happeneing no matter how many belts he used. as he went up to the sensei, mr. LOOCHOW, his pants began to loosen, because everyone knows one must karate chop in front of the sensei to earn his respect. his face turned red. as he turned around to give his pants one more cinch, he turned around to face his sensei, bowed deep, and executed a BEAUTIFUL karate chop. unfortunately, his pants slid to the ground. all the other ninjas in the dojo began to laugh, except one shy but beautiful ninja who always dressed in pink. her name was CHOWMEIN. as she looked away in embarrassment, KEEYAH hung his head in shame. there was no way to keep his family's name strong if he could not figure out a way to stop this from happening. Because of this, he set out on a journey. a far off journey, that i won't bore you with, because those journeys are often the most boring parts of these types of stories. lets just say he came back cuter, stronger, and with a cooler name. he changed his name to HIYAH!. now when HIYAH! got back to the dojo after a very long journey (see above reference), he noticed that CHOWMEIN had turned into a gorgeous ninja and had dropped the pink of her childhood and now wore the color of the most powerful female ninjas, purple. HIYAH! was lovestruck. he was embarrassed to face her because he knew she would not recognize him. although, he thought maybe he had a chance, except for that one nagging thought that his pants would still fall down. Later on that year, after noone had recognized him and he had completed his training under a different name,he was summoned to the sensei once more. and the sensei said, "HIYAH!, i know you are KEEYAH come back.why do you feel as though you won't be accepted?"and HIYAH! said"because i look like a fool with my pants on the ground"and LOOCHOW said, "HIYAH!, it is what is IN you that counts. even if you have ur pants on the ground"so HIYAH! attempted one last karate chop, a chop he knew would be futile. However, he summoned all the energy he had. and bam! KARATE CHOP! oh no!!!his pants fell to the ground. HIYAH! hung his head in shame as everyone began to titter. he looked up to see CHOWMEIN headed his way. she pulled up his pants, and tied them with her hair ribbon."i knew it was you all along, little KEEYAH. we will do this together."so they attempted a karate chop, this time bonded over the love they shared. their karate chop was so powerful it shook all of china! a piece broke off the edge and became japan. love was found, honor was restored, and KEEYAH was not a fool with his pants on the ground. the end.


Anonymous said...

So this is what you did last night while I was running in the cold. haha

Sharai said...

you eat way too many black licorice cookies haha this is hilarious!!